Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A New Featured Photographer!!

Colleen Gonsar, Darty Hines, Pam Spotts and Tim Wehnert from Colleen and CO.!!!!

They wrote to us and said...."As many of you know, the photographers at Colleen & Co. are known for incredible senior portraits with beautiful lighting, posing and fantastic set design. But, did you know they also put that same passion and effort into their children and baby photography? Colleen Gonsar, Darty Hines, Pam Spotts and Tim Wehnert share in the photography duties at the Colleen & Co. studios in the Harrisburg, Pennsylvania area. The two very successful studios are state of the art including all of the latest camera equipment, props and backgrounds. The studio photographs over 800 high school seniors throughout the year and hundreds of family and baby sessions. They pride themselves on offering things the competition can not. One of those things is variety. The variety in the children's division comes from the wide selection of children's props available from Denny Mfg.

The photographers often hit stores like Target and Pier One for interesting chairs for the high school seniors. However, it is always difficult to find that perfect chair for children. With Denny's line of kid props and chairs, they now have a great selection at the studio to help provide their clients with the variety they need to sell multi-image products. Creating variety in the photography session always drives up the sale. During a typical children's session, the photographers may photograph two to three completely different sets with multiple props. Normally, they will shoot between 20-30 images while showing the client around 18-22. Children do not last very long during a photo session, so shooting quickly always helps capture good expressions. By changing the chairs and props often during the session, the child does not get bored and restless. There is always something new to see and do during the portrait session.

Showcased here with this article are some favorite children props from Denny Mfg. The overstuffed zebra chair is a favorite of the Colleen & Co. clients. Little girls seem to love being photographed on the zebra chair. It is also the perfect size for that unique baby image. Many times the photographers hear: "these chairs are just my size!" as the children enter the studio. The kids quickly run to the chairs and sit on them with huge smiles across their faces. Just like the high school seniors who choose Colleen & Co., the kids are very excited about the props and chairs used in the images. When the clients like the sets and the scenes designed for them, the only thing missing is the perfect expression to sell those images. Kids photography is almost always sold on expression. When you can capture that perfect smile, the print will sell every time. When you add the funky chair and unique set, that becomes just one more thing to set yourself apart from the competition in your area. Denny's kids props help add that extra unique-ness to the Colleen & Co. kids portraits."

PLCC Pink Leather Child's Chair

ZCC- Zebra Child's Chair

PLCC-Pink Leather Child's Chair

BLCS-Brown Leather Child's Sofa

PLCC - Pink Leather Child's Chair

Thanks Colleen and CO.!!!

Have a great day everyone! Do you have Denny Backdrops and/or props? If you are interested in becoming a featured photographer, email us at CFonde@dennymfg.com

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